In order that we may produce your accounts efficiently and accurately we will need the following :

1. Books / Records for the year covering Sales / Income, Purchases, Expenses or a copy of your computerised Book Keeping Data

2. Copy of VAT returns filed for each quarter falling within year and workings (n/a if you are not VAT registered)

3. Sales Invoices / Summary

4. Purchase Invoices / Summary

5. All Bank Statements from all the business banks and personal banks through which the business transactions operated, including Cheque Stubs an Paying in Books

6. All Bank Loan statements or mortgage statements if used for business

7. Credit Card Statements if used for business payments

8. Cash Book / Petty Cash or other details of cash expenses

9. Details of all wages paid, including any “casual labour”

10.Details of Closing Stock on hand on the last business day of the year.

11.Copy of any New Loans or Hire Purchase Agreements taken out during the year

12.Details of amounts owed by the business – VERY IMPORTANT !

13.Details of amounts owed to the business – MORE IMPORTANT !!

14.Details of any monies introduced to the business, or personal loans taken by yourself.

15.Details of any new equipment / vehicles bought during the year, or any assets disposed of during the year

16.Any other income received during the year? (e.g. rental income)

17.Additional Information (if any)